Entries from 2012-11-05 to 1 day

Jenkins CI: Switching server program jars at build.

The aim I'm working on Java/Scala project that is deployed as jar file. What I want to do is: When a push is made to github, I want Jenkins to replace the old jar by new jar and launch a new processes from the new jar. In that way, there i…


Greatest Hitsアーティスト: 2Pac出版社/メーカー: Interscope Records発売日: 1998/11/24メディア: CD購入: 2人 クリック: 49回この商品を含むブログ (32件) を見る 中学生の小生は軽い気持ちで、ALTに向かって中指を立て fuck と言った。私が初めてfuckを…