Aspell, your savior.
Spelling (Grades 1 - 2) (Step Ahead)
- 作者: Sharon Hoover
- 出版社/メーカー: Golden Books
- 発売日: 2000/03/15
- メディア: ペーパーバック
- クリック: 2回
- この商品を含むブログ (2件) を見る
Misspelling is embarrassing
As I misspelled the word, embarrassing, for 5 times before I finally spelled correctly, misspelling occurs every 10 minutes or so when you are writing foreign language. And of course misspellings of simple words like shcool, dicsionary, ... are pretty embarrassing when it is revealed to educated people.
Here is the way you can reduce the misspelling by using the help of computers.
These commands list you up misspelled words in shellscript comments.
cat | grep -P "^#" | sed s:#::g | aspell -a --lang=en
If you simply want to check if there is no misspelling in the text file, do the following
aspell --lang=en misspelled.txt