CodeTime: Write less, talk more.


As you can see in the motto of jQuery website, doing things with less key-strokes is the name of the game in the recent world of software developments. That is, policy that lets computers do non-creative stuffs and human take care of the rest. In the famous quote we see our goal.

Building more valuable system with less coding is the name of the game. That is important because in the mean time we can play the video games. - Anonymous

We have a good news for that. Apple released their yet another legendary operating system, Mac OS X Mountain Lion. Mountain Lion sometimes scratches you in some ways, but it also listens to you carefully in case you want to talk to it. As some of you know, Mountain Lion comes with sophisticated voice recognition system. I am going to write the code with it. No. I won't really write anything.


Our goal is to make a classic "hello, world" program in php with only 4 key-strokes. Actually, this is the most important thing to point out, any program can be written with 4 key-strokes! Also, you can write it in any kind of language, but case intensive language should be avoided. You will know why.

<?php echo "hello, world";?>

New Era of Programming

In the ancient IT era, we were typing codes to make computer programs. Now it's done in totally different way; we talk to computers to make computer programs. I'm gonna show you how to do it.

How to

  • Open up your favorite text editor, preferably Vim.
  • Do first 2 key-strokes here. [fn x 2]
  • Consult with your computer
  • Do last 2 key-strokes here . [fn x 2]

How easy is that! Let me show you what I talked with my computer.

less-than-sign question-mark php. 
open quote
hello comma.
world period
close quote semi-colon.
question mark greater-than-sign.

Notice that I only touched keyboard for 4 times. That's how you fucking write a code.
